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8.15 AM - 8.30 AM   Registration and coffee 

8.30 AM - 8.40 AM   Welcome and introduction - Mary Firestone 


Session 1: Water and Nutrient Cycling

8.40 AM - 9.10 AM Christine Hawkes (Keynote Speaker) Microbial mediation of switchgrass drought physiology

9.10 AM - 9.25 AM Sarah Roley Nitrogen fixation in switchgrass

9.25 AM - 9.40 AM Romy Chakraborty N-fixing microbes in switchgrass

9.40 AM - 9.55 AM Jennifer Pett-Ridge Effects of switchgrass on deep carbon and microbes

9.55 AM - 10.10 AM Discussion


10.10 AM - 10.30 AM Coffee Break


Session 2: Across Space, Time and Switchgrass Genotypes

10.30 AM - 11.00 AM Esther Singer (Keynote Speaker) Switchgrass microbiomes across space, time and plant genotypes

11.00 AM - 11.15 AM Ashley Shade Temporal dynamics of the switchgrass phyllosphere microbiome

11.15 AM - 11.30 AM Yuan Wang Succession of rhizosphere microbial communities associated with switchgrass grown in marginal soils

11.30 AM - 11.45 AM Richard Allen White III Elucidating the rhizosphere microbiome of switchgrass using genome-resolved metagenomics

11.45 AM - 12.00 PM Jizhong Zhou Spatial scaling of switchgrass microbiome and assembly mechanisms

12.00 PM - 12.15 PM Discussion


12.15 PM - 1.00 PM Lunch (provided) and poster session


Session 3: New Methods and Approaches 

1.00 PM - 1.15 PM Trent Northen Using fabricated ecosystems to study metabolic exchange in the rhizosphere

1.15 PM - 1.30 PM Estelle Couradeau Probing the active fraction of soil microbiomes using BONCAT-FACS

1.30 PM - 1.45 PM Jeffrey Blanchard Testing the impact of the rare biosphere in a 3-year switchgrass microcosm evolution experiment

1.45 PM - 2.00 PM Elisha Wood-Charlson Introducing KBase as a collaborative platform for data science

2.00 AM - 2.15 PM Discussion


2.15 PM - 2.30 PM Coffee Break


Session 4: Trophic Interactions

2.30 PM - 2.45 PM Philipp Zerbe Biosynthesis and function of terpene metabolites in defensive and cooperative interactions in switchgrass and related crops

2.45 PM - 3.00 PM Javier A. Ceja-Navarro Analyzing protist dynamics in the rhizosphere of switchgrass

3.00 PM - 3.15 PM Joanne Emerson Evidence for rhizosphere impacts on soil viral community composition

3.15 PM - 4.00 PM Discussion and final remarks


4.00 PM - 6.00 PM Poster session and networking






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